Super Nintendo Classic Edition

Jason Monk
3 min readJan 15, 2021

Why are old video games so freaking difficult to beat? This thing comes pre-loaded with 20 classic Super Nintendo games with a bonus game of Star Fox 2 which was never released.


This thing is bleeping miniature! It’s a mini replica of the original 16-bit Super Nintendo. It even allows you to save spots for each game!

As difficult as a lot of the games are it will definitely give thousands of hours of entertainment.They are not producing the SNES mini anymore so finding it for a reasonable price may be difficult. I found mine on Facebook marketplace.


Super Punch Out is my go to so far and I’ve yet to make it through the Minor circuit. Yeah I know pretty pathetic. Bald Bull has dished out his fair share of punishment on me and I can’t seem to beat him. Without some sort of cheat code there is no way I will beat this game. You have to make it through each circuit with only 3 continues.

My wife is a big fan of the Super Mario World and Yoshi’s Land. I dread playing with her because I end up dying in two seconds and watch my wife play for an hour before she dies. The ease at which you die in any of these games is definitly the most frustrating part of the SNES mini.

Star Fox 2

This comes loaded with Star Fox 2. This game was developed but never released because at the time newer 32-bit consoles were released and there was fear this game would be compared to the graphics on those games. This is the first game I tired to play. It is actually locked! That’s right you have to beat the first stage of the first Star Fox then it unlocks Star Fox 2. I had to have my wife read a walk through for me to beat the first stage.

Knock offs

When researching where to buy one of these things I encountered many knockoffs. It was tempting to go with one of the knockoffs because they say they come loaded with like 400 games. They are also a fraction of the price. When doing more research many of the games are loaded on there multiple times and some of the games you can only play part of or they are just knockoff games.


Another thing I like is it plugs into an HDMI port in my T.V! Now don’t be confused just because it uses a HDMI cord the graphics are the same as if it was 1993! The controller cords could use a couple more feet. I still can’t get over how difficult these games are but it’s still worth the $$. This console was released in 2017 I wish I heard about it when it came out so I could have got it for the $79.99 suggested price at the time.

Am i the only one that thinks these games are impossible to beat?

So I beat Street Fighter II but it was on the easiest level. I wasn’t even sure how I was punching or kicking I was basically button mashing still a lot of fun. It’s one of those things when you play you realize how far game consoles have come but also there were some really good games that were created back then.



Jason Monk

I'm a simple guy. I'm a husband and a father of a sassy 5 year old! I'm a home owner and a recovering running addict!